Logan Paul’s Video Of Suicide Victim - An Unfortunate Metaphor For The Future Of YouTube
Logan Paul’s disgusting video showing a suicide victim shows 2018 is a year YouTube needs to change or risk (ironically) killing itself.

Merry Christmas! Tis The Season For Digital Disconnection
If you are reading this, Merry Christmas! Now get off your phone/tablet/computer and feel the freedom of true digital disconnection.

Virtual Reality Is Not The Future Of Social Media - Facebook Just Proved It
One tone-deaf VR cartoon tour of the Puerto Rico devastation has proven that virtual reality and social networking do not mix. There’s only so much social media based over-complication that we humans can take.

Why Nobody Will Buy Self-Driving Cars For A Long Time To Come
Self-driving cars are the future, but are humans ready for them? The answer is a resounding “no,” and you shouldn’t expect to see them for a long time…

Don’t Condemn Snapchat. The Buck Stops With Parents!
Don’t condemn Snapchat as a ‘child tracking’ privacy threat for introducing Snap Map – blame the parents for not being educated on what their children are using.

Calm Down, News Media - Snapchat Is Not Failing
The media has had a field day, following the IPO of Snap Inc. The camera company is either “running on old ideas” by reportedly working on a drone, or at the worst, you and “all your friends” are leaving Snapchat.

The Buzzword Of CES 2017 Is "Millennial." What The Hell Is A Millennial Anyway?
During the first day of CES 2017 announcements, the word "millennial" was used 32 times. It's fair to say this is quickly becoming the buzzword of this year's show, but does anybody even know what it means?

Can You Tag Jason? He Lost His Intelligence When Looking At Some Ridiculous Facebook Memes
Let’s not mince words here - I love memes. The intelligence, the wit, the randomness, the dark humour - they provide inappropriate laughter to my otherwise dull day. But the latest trend of “Can you tag *INSERT NAME HERE*? I’m looking for him” is a God awful addition to news feeds across the globe, which needs to disappear.
What Is The Future Of Consumer Technology? I Found Out At CES Unveiled Paris
What is the future of consumer technology? Jason England went along to CES Unveiled Paris and watched Shawn DuBruvac's presentation on future trends, to find out.

Mobile Journalism - A World Of Pubs Where You Don't Have To Clean The Office Microwave
Offices are expensive, you have to have the building, power and water, the little fridge and deal with the inevitable arguments over people not cleaning the microwave. These are some of the expenses, and stresses of having an actual office, in the meatspace.

The Future Of The Walking Dead Is Bleak And Full Of Shock Value Over Story
The Walking Dead returned for its seventh season premiere – and much like the taste of Marmite, it has divided the planet on whether it was a good episode or not.
Well, you can put me in the “not good” category because not only the televisual equivalent of being slowly dragged through broken glass, it pretty much guarantees that the screenwriters have waved a fond farewell to meaningful stories in favour of shock value.

What Is The Future Of Journalism?
This is a hard one for me to write, when I was asked to write an article on the future of journalism I thought it was would be easy. There was one point in my life when I thought I was the future of journalism. But, no, I am just one of many other journalists struggling to survive.

Tinder Boost - The Next Narcissistic Step In Digital Prostitution
In the next development to dating app Tinder, you can now pay to boost your profile’s visibility to others within the local area for 30 minutes. While ‘Tinder Boost’ is a great win for the bottom line of their business, it’s a step towards greater levels of narcissism and (more frighteningly) depression.

No, Sony And Microsoft. Most People Don’t Want A New Playstation Or Xbox Right Now
With the Playstation 4 Pro heading for a November release and Microsoft’s new Xbox, codenamed Project Scorpio, on the horizon for next year, consumers are stuck with a question – do you need or want one?
And the answer in pretty much all circumstances is a resounding “no.”

Dear LG, I Don’t Want To Write A Word Document On My Fridge
LG have just announced a smart fridge at IFA in Berlin – integrating Windows 10 into a touchscreen panel on the door… Seems like after 5 years, tech companies have not learnt the real lesson about innovation.

The Risks Of A #DigitalDemocracy – Our Freedom Flies Out The Window
How democratic is the digital space? If this was to pass, the answer could be “not at all.”

The Story About Instagram Stories – Desperate Times, Desperate Measures?
Well… This is a surprise. After spending three years trying to buy and create a more successful clone of Snapchat, Instagram (and by extension, Facebook) have shamelessly ripped off Snapchat Stories with an identical feature named “Instagram Stories.”

No, Nicola. Facebook Will Not Be All Video In Five Years. Text Will Live On
Excuse me for being pedantic in picking a throwaway line from a longer discussion - but with the implied huge changes in Facebook user behaviour, I feel the need to jump to the defence of text.

Warcraft: The Beginning Review
Warcraft: The Beginning by Legendary Pictures is ever-so-slowly releasing across the world. It made it to our shores on the 30th of May, and has so far managed to inspire some of the most wildly polarizing reviews ever known. Even aggregate sites are all over the place right now. Some place it as a 2/10, some an 8, and it's hard to find any written review that isn't loaded with hyperbole either way. So let me give it a go.