Eye-Tracking App Lets Paralysed People Make Music
Plenty of work has already been done in creating eye- and face-tracking technology, which helps the paralysed to communicate. But what if you want to have some fun? What if you want to create music? That's where Andreas Refsgaard and his new app, Eye Conductor, come in.
World's First Mind-Controlled Robotic Legs Demonstrated
A pair of robotic legs controlled solely by the user's mind have been successfully demonstrated by Researchers at the Long Beach Veterans Affairs Medical Centre and the University of California. This brings new potential to the future of prosthetic limbs for paraplegic people.
Rat Walks Again After Spinal Cord Injury. A Cure For Human Paralysis?
The rat you see in the above photo, besides being in an action shot you'd compare to the likes of a 90s training montage, was paralysed with a spinal cord injury just a few weeks ago. Thanks to a special treatment developed by researchers at the EPFL, control over its own limbs has been regained, posing a possible cure to human paralysis.
Brain-Activated Muscle Stimulation Restores Movement After Paralysis
All nerves and brain signals to operate your limbs go through the spinal cord, so most forms of paralysis occur due to damage of this area. But what if this was bypassed entirely, and your brain directly controlled these otherwise motionless limbs instead? This is a feat that researchers at Chicago's Northwestern University have been successful in carrying out.