Why is everyone so surprised that Pokémon GO is still relevant in 2020?
Pokemon GO made nearly £700 million last year. Why is the world’s tech and gaming press so shocked?

Pokémon Snap Just Turned 20 Years Old - Perfect Time For A Revival
Pokémon Snap was released two decades ago and the timing could not be more perfect for a rebirth of this Pocket Monster-meets-Instagram photography game.

Pokémon GO Is Broken. Here’s How To Fix It…
Recent Pokémon GO developments have inspired me to try the app again… Turns out it’s still as broken as I remember it.

Study Shows Pokémon Go Did Boost Physical Activity, But Not For Long
Pokémon Go was a massive hit when it came out in the summer – inspiring people to get out the house walk for miles, just to catch ‘em all. But, according to a study published by The BMJ, that physical activity only lasts six weeks.