Meet Ultima Thule - The Most Distant World That NASA Has Ever Explored
NASA has revealed a photo of Ultima Thule - the most distant object that humanity has ever explored.

Venus Express Gathers Crucial Data About Venus' Atmosphere While Trapped in Low Orbit
Before plummeting beneath the clouds forever, the European Space Agency (ESA)’s Venus Express unearthed a few more secrets about our sister planet. Its final months in low orbit revealed the planet to be much colder and far less dense than expected.
Scientists Propose Sending Boat-Like Probe To Saturn Moon ‘Titan’
Forget the Curiosity Rover currently trekking Martian plains for a second; because scientists are thinking even further afield. Namely, focussed on Saturn’s moon ‘Titan’, the only moon in our solar system to have a thick atmosphere, and one located at least 1.2 billion km from Earth.