OFCOM’s getting new powers to legislate social media - here’s what they need to do
OFCOM has been given new powers to legislate social media companies around harmful content. Here’s what they need to do to get started.
Blue Monday: Why Are Companies Still Using Depression As A Social Media Marketing Opportunity?
Blue Monday is here again, and yet companies continue to use the idea of depression to promote their brand or sell you stuff. Why?

Welcome To Social Media Tourism - Is Instagram Winning The War Against Reality?
Are we living with social media or through it? What I saw from so-called Instagram models in Greece recently, I’m alarmed that it’s probably the latter.

Is Vero The Future Of Social Media?
Is Vero the future of social media, or just a flash in the pan? As a social media marketer with 10+ years experience, I think I’m up to the task of reviewing this…

Which Of These Four Types Of Internet User Are You?
Recent research shows that all social media users can be placed into one of four categories – the Geek, the Lurker, the Victim or the Internet Celebrity. Which one are you?

Forget YouTube Rewind, Here Are 5 Channels You Should Actually Subscribe To
2017’s YouTube Rewind was just released, presenting a showcase of everything (and everyone) that is wrong with the platform. Here are 5 YouTubers you should focus on instead.
A Dog Is For Life, Not Just For Instagram
Dogs deserve loving owners, not Instagram-focussed social media moguls who don’t know the first thing about truly caring for a pet.

Every Company Does Not Need A Social Media Presence. Please Stop
As a social media manager, I’ve always been optimistic about every business having a social presence. But as the side of my new stapler box encouraged me to follow the company on Twitter, it became clear that corporate reliance on these networks has gone too far.

Virtual Reality Is Not The Future Of Social Media - Facebook Just Proved It
One tone-deaf VR cartoon tour of the Puerto Rico devastation has proven that virtual reality and social networking do not mix. There’s only so much social media based over-complication that we humans can take.

Calm Down, News Media - Snapchat Is Not Failing
The media has had a field day, following the IPO of Snap Inc. The camera company is either “running on old ideas” by reportedly working on a drone, or at the worst, you and “all your friends” are leaving Snapchat.

Politics Are Already A Shit Show - Social Media Makes It Worse
The representation of politicians has always been a tricky issue, but recently we’ve seen social media become more and more important as an influence on public opinion, especially relating to the US presidential campaign and the Labour leadership row here in the UK.

No, Nicola. Facebook Will Not Be All Video In Five Years. Text Will Live On
Excuse me for being pedantic in picking a throwaway line from a longer discussion - but with the implied huge changes in Facebook user behaviour, I feel the need to jump to the defence of text.

New Rising Media Is Dead. Long Live Neo-Entity
So as you may have noticed, I haven’t been posting much from New Rising Media lately, and have linked you to a website called Neo-Entity. This site is the re-invention of us and our purpose that I’d love to talk to you about now, on the fourth Birthday of this brand.

Scientists Search For Time Travellers On The Internet
Have you come from the future? If you want your secret to be preserved, be sure to not Tweet about it. Physicists from Michigan Technological University have started searching for signs of time travellers on Facebook and Twitter.