I Went Back To A Seaside Arcade From My Childhood - Does It Hold Up?
Electric Palace in Weymouth – a memorable seaside arcade from my childhood. Does the excitement still hold up?

Space Invaders with real lasers is as delightfully dangerous as you'd imagine
What happens when you turn Space Invaders into a live action game, complete with an actual fire hazard? We've already seen one recent clip bringing video games into real-life, which seemed fine up until Adam Sandler showed up. But Maker Martin Raynsford has restored the dream using paper invaders, Arduino and a laser cutter.
NASA Finds A Space Invader In The Deep Cosmos
NASA's Hubble Telescope found a Space Invader in this massive cluster of galaxies, known as Abell 68. The gravitational field surrounding it acts as a naturally distorting lens. This produces a fun house mirror effect, and created this shape similar to that of a simulated alien from the classic 1970s game.