Emotion Engineer E3 Special Week Of Streams 2018
To celebrate E3 2018, get ready for a week full of Emotion Engineer PlayStation streams - including reactions to the showcase and daily classic PS2 game streams.

Let’s Fighting Love Championship - PS2 Gaming Tournament Twitch Stream Friday at 8:30 pm BST
Who is the best PS2 gamer out of me and my friends? Join us on the Emotion Engineer Twitch channel for a special tournament this Friday at 8:30 pm BST.
Let’s Play Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - Emotion Engineer Twitch Stream
Time for a new game on Emotion Engineer - my Twitch channel dedicated to the PS2. And I have chosen what was probably the console’s most ambitious - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

Why The Original Shadow Of The Colossus Is Better Than The Remake - Emotion Engineer Twitch Stream
Another Wednesday, another Twitch instalment of Emotion Engineer – the only channel dedicated to the PlayStation 2. On this episode, I will be showing just why the original Shadow of the Colossus is better than the remake.