US Military And NASA Test 4,500Mph Hypersonic Aircraft
A hypersonic jet known as the ‘X-15A WaveRider’ and co-funded by the US military and NASA will today undergo its latest test; dropping from around 50,000ft before rocketing to speeds of more than 4,000Mph, climbing to 70,000ft, before falling into the Pacific Ocean to break up.
Two UK Teenagers Plead Guilty To Hacking As Part Of LulzSec
Two teenagers from the UK have confessed to being part of Lulzsec and pleaded guilty to multiple charges of attacking several high-profile websites.
DARPA wants "visionary hackers" to help with network security
America's had it tough over the last week, accusing China of hacking and stealing intelligence (accusations which were briskly denied by the Chinese). And now, DARPA's not taking any chances, refortifying its cyber barricade for a proactive line of defense.