The Basic Tech To Hack Someone’s Brain Exists Today
While we worry cybercriminals may be able to hack the human brain at some point far in the future, turns out the basic tech to do so exists today… Yikes.

"Uber" and other ridesharing services do nothing to curb drunk driving deaths
You’ve probably heard of Uber by now. It’s like a taxi service except it’s way more expensive and it’s all over America. Despite their claims that their ubiquitous service is helping to reduce drunk driving deaths, all evidence indicates otherwise. Like most things in life, Uber looks to be a big overpriced load of nothing.

Scientists Start Treating Paranoia With Virtual Reality
If you thought therapy was the only treatment for paranoia, think again. An Oxford University study has found that use virtual reality to put patients in situations they fear is a far more effective solution.
New 'Secretbook' Lets You Leave Hidden Messages In Your Facebook Photos
A British student has released a Google Chrome extension that enables you to hide secret messages in your Facebook pictures. Owen Campbell-Moore, studying computer science at Oxford University, used a technique called JPEG Steganography to make tiny changes in photos that form a secret code. Called 'Secretbook', you can now download it and communicate with your friends without anybody else knowing you are doing it.