Exeter Students Win $50,000 For 'SoundSynk' App That Plays Music From Infinite Phones
A team of four University of Exeter students have won $50,000 (£33,100) for developing an app that allows an infinite number of devices to play music simultaneously, effectively creating a symphony of speakers.

Save Time And Summarise The News With 'TL;DR'

TL;DR, or "Too long, didn't read" is an internet-wide colloquialism that's become common usage and language specialists. Stremor have capitalised on this concept with an application, which automatically summarises any web information when you don't have time to read the whole story. Perfect for the news junkie with a short attention span.
ZTE Teases 5.9-Inch, Full HD Windows Phone Phablet
With a display of 5-inches and a quad-core 1.6 GHz processor combined with 2GB of RAM, the Galaxy Note 2 is a beast in both stature and performance. But though its magnificent size somewhere between phone and tablet (the newly-coined ‘phablet’ is apt) is likely to turn many off, it still, just about mind, works. Tipping the scales at 5.9-inch, a new Windows Phone being teased by ZTE looks to be another matter entirely.