Facebook Blocks 'Social Roulette' App That Deletes Your Account
Within hours of its launch, a Facebook app offering users a one-in-six chance of deleting their account has been pulled. This social media reinterpretation of Russian Roulette, named 'Social Roulette,' puts the user's Facebook account at risk of complete deletion.
Guns to be removed from Xbox Live Avatar Marketplace
Got your eye on a Lancer or Hammerburst for your Avatar, to give your persona that extra grunt? Well, according to community manager Raczilla on the Epic Games forums, you've got a week to go grab it, as Microsoft are removing and banning the sale of all gun-like items in the Avatar marketplace.
Cheater banned from Modern Warfare 3 for 5000 days
So when Infinity Ward talked about the new banning system taking a firmer grasp on the likes of cheating and boosting, we never expected it to be this severe.
By this, we mean what is essentially made clear in the title, one player has been banned for 5000 days (what Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling calls a 'permaban') for the aforementioned cheating and boosting. To put this in a different context, this is 13.68 years.