Augmented reality horror game 'Night Terrors' transforms your house into a haunted house
We know the 'found footage' horror genre is a little played out, but what if there was one set in your own home that you could actually play? Introducing 'Night Terrors:' an augmented reality smartphone game looking for funding on Indiegogo, which looks set to terrify you.
World's Largest Game Of Pong Played On The Side Of A Skyscraper
Frank Lee, a professor at Drexel University's Westphal College of Media and Design, used the side of a 29 story skyscraper in Philadelphia to play the world's largest game of Pong.
StarCraft II: Heart Of The Swarm Review
If you’re a fan of RTS games, chances are you’ve played StarCraft, or at least heard of it. The 2010 sequel Wings of Liberty has finally received its first expansion pack, Heart of the Swarm, and only two years behind schedule! Was it worth the wait? You betcha.
Interview With Petroglyph On Upcoming Game Victory
A few days ago, indie developer Petroglyph announced Victory, a game currently making the rounds on Kickstarter. We were fortunate enough to get in touch with the creative team behind the game and ask them a few questions about Victory, its inspiration, and their plans moving forward.
'Death Inc.' Spread The Bubonic Plague In This Adorable Strategy Game
In the current economic climate, it can be hard for graduates to get into work, but thankfully, Death is hiring. Looking for enthusiastic young go-getters looking to work in a fast-paced 17th century to spread the Bubonic plague across the globe. Pay on commission.
L.A. Noire Blooper Reel Reveals Excellent Motion Capture Technology

'Genocide Dolphins.' First-Person Shooter Takes You On A Surreal Trip
Kickstarter is rapidly becoming a place for the weird and wonderful ideas of indie game developers to get off the ground, and "Genocide Dolphins" certainly has the potential to match both of those descriptors.
The Walking Dead: Episode Five – No Time Left Review
The concluding part to Telltale Games' The Walking Dead presents not only an end; but a beginning.
This may seem like the generic vague statement that; but its relevance is strong. One of the best games this year has come to its explosive finale, and a revolution of in-game storytelling has been introduced with it.
Lee Everett's narrative in No Time Left is emotional, terrifying, exciting, and tense all at once, making for a fitting conclusion that will affect even the most hardened of players.
*EDITOR'S NOTE:* While the storyline of No Time Left will not be spoiled in this review, I do write about key plot points from the previous episodes. If you have not played any of the series, you may want to refrain from reading, in order to keep it a surprise.
Man Invents A Pumpkin That Plays Tetris
Halloween hasn't really been on people's minds lately. That is until now, as Nathan Pryor presented his creation: a playable version of Tetris on a Pumpkin that he lovingly calls "Pumpktris."
The Walking Dead: Episode Four – Around Every Corner Review
The Walking Dead has been the epitome of Telltale's vision of episodic gaming, and Around Every Corner has the particularly difficult task of playing out the penultimate chapter to this: the first of (what we hope to be) many seasons to come. Book of Eli writer Gary Witta leaves his dark signature upon the piece, tackling child endangerment, burying the dead, and a society where the idea of "survival of the fittest" is taken to inhumane lengths. But the one question remains: does this setup make for an episode that lives up to the finely tuned creations of past?
PETA Releases Video Game Parody 'Pokemon Black And Blue'
PETA have released 'Pokemon Black and Blue:' another title in their line of parodies, which makes comparisons between the in-game fictional characters and real-world animal cruelty.
This Week In New Releases [Week Of 6th July 2012]
It's back. We all need a gentle reminder from time to time. This Week In New Releases from New Rising Media aims to do just that – remind you of the biggest, best and hottest new media releases to look out for this week. From the latest big screen blockbusters, to this week's most anticipated Blu-Ray discs, via details of the next big triple-A videogame to reach consoles. This isn't a total run-down of everything new this week, though, these are carefully hand-picked for your viewing/playing pleasure entirely by us, enjoy.
Angry Birds To Receive Its Very First UK Theme Park, In Retford...
Angry Birds truly is taking over the world. The brand is literally everywhere you look; from lunch boxes, to backpacks, toys, plushies and the birds' very own cartoon series. Heck, even F1 and Caterham’s Heikki Kovaleinen sports the face of the angered red fowl. But that isn’t all, because the Angry Birds phenomenon has swept across the world with licensed theme parks. Now, the UK is set to welcome its very own.
Kickstarter Project Exposed As A Scam
Probably the first of many to be made public; but certainly not the first in the history of Kickstarter. The crowdsourced funding network has fallen victim to a scam project: a role-playing game by the name of MYTHIC: The Story of Gods and Men.
GAME Will Not Be Stocking Mass Effect 3 On Release, Pre-Orders Cancelled
Game Group’s future as a major high-street videogame retailer is looking ever more worrying as reports have emerged today that the retailer will not be stocking any of EA Games’ March releases immediately following the European release of SSX this Friday. Crucially – and perhaps foretelling of what is to come for the company – that will mean no store shelving will be reserved for EA and Bioware’s trilogy-closer Mass Effect 3, the biggest and most noteworthy game of the year so far.
Is This The Beginning Of The End For Videogames’ High Street Presence?
Questions are being raised this week about the future of GAME after a number of reports have arisen that indicates the specialist videogame high-street retailer is struggling to stock newer games following a number of its credit agencies withdrawing credit insurance on behalf of the chain. GAME is now having to pay for new stock of games up front if it chooses to sell them, something it has now had to rely on until now. There were serious concerns earlier this week that GAME would fail to have Friday’s triple-A releases (Final Fantasy XIII-2, Soul Calibur V, Metal Gear Solid HD Collection) on store shelves as a result, while concerns over the company’s long-term future meant Sony’s long-awaited portable successor to the PSP, the PlayStation Vita, was also rumoured to be following suit.
YouTube Slam asks you to cast your vote for the next viral hit
Today, YouTube has officially announced Slam, juxtaposing two videos and allowing you to cast a vote for your favourite out of them. Think Google Slam, only bought into the YouTube era.
This represents a "video discovery experiment" for the site, to help find those videos hidden beneath the clutter that is promoted channels and paid-for viral videos, to help give the average contributor a fairer chance at the gold.
Has The Last Guardian been cancelled?
In what might just shape up to be a huge Sony upset, it's being rumoured that The Last Guardian – made by Ico and Shadow of the Colossus developer Team Ico – has been cancelled.
In production for more than three long years, Team Ico's latest is expected to triumph the same kind of heart and scalability of its two previous efforts. It's the developers first project on current HD platforms.
Game Of Thrones RPG Set For European Release
Focus Home Interactive today confirmed that it has signed a deal with Cyanide Studios for exclusive European publishing rights to the ambitious Game of Thrones RPG for the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.