Police Could Soon Create CG Image Of A Suspect Using DNA Alone
Following advances in the identification of genes associated with how someone looks, it is soon hoped police will be able to reconstruct the shape and identify key facial features of a suspects' face from their DNA alone.
HP rebranding proposition explained in pictures and video
Three years have passed since Moving Brands were hired by HP to redesign the brand imagery through a radical overhaul, and rediscover the identity of the company through improved visual output.
This is the first time we've been able to see the complete proposition in public, and it's quite a transformation. The company have departed from the circlular design and opted instead for a pretty minimalist four-line motif; but they haven't rid themselves of the slant in the lettering.
Google+ to add pseudonimity and app support
Taking the Facebook initative of a developer community, and treading on the toes of Anybeat, SVP of Social Vic Gundotra has announced that Google+ will support pseudonyms and add compatability with the range of other Google apps.