Facebook Has Some Marketing Tips To Exploit Lonely People On Valentine’s Day
Breakups are an inevitable part of life – one that we all hate. But it’s good news for social media marketers, as Facebook has some top tips for brands on promoting their products to newly single people.
CES 2017 - Kino-mo Holographic Technology Is The Future Of In-Store Displays
When you think of in-store posters, chances are you imagine a simple poster hanging in the window. But Kino-mo are looking to innovate with their brand new Hypervsn technology - bringing 3D holograms to stores.

Life-Sized Lego X-Wing Unveiled. Breaks World Record With Five Million Bricks
Lego has unveiled a life-sized, five-million-brick model of an X-Wing fighter from Star Wars. Built by 32 people over 17,000 hours, this 43-foot-long replica is the largest Lego model in the world.
Channel 4 Redefines The "Super Human" In Paralympic Campaign
As children we read about them in comic books, collected figurines and watched the latest Hollywood blockbusters with actors clambering to portray them. But in recent weeks it seems Channel 4 have royally re-designed our perception of a “Super Human,” giving the athletes of the Paralympic games their time in the limelight.

The Value Of A 'Like.' An Experiment In Buying Fans
There's a rule in social media marketing that many stick to: your fans should be earned, not bought. It's a guideline that's become abundantly clear over the past year, with an explosion of controversy recently from an experiment conducted by the BBC in this area. But is this really the case?
The Missing Link In Social Media Marketing
In my field of work you become aware to many different guides from many different people about the prominent rise of their clients' brands on social media. In fact, this field has become clustered with too many different programs, using various marketing buzz words and abbreviations to the point that the underlying concept has indeed been buried.
As a person who has delved into this sector since a dissertation into the area that cracked the University board's metaphorical monacles in a wake-up call to the presence of this critical asset in today's online space, I've become aware of one thing. These books and guides are over-complicating what is needed, hiding the solution and are, therefore, incorrect. Allow me to throw in my two cents of simplification into this predicament.
Microsoft Burns Google With 'Googlighting' Video
They issued a press-beatdown around Google's change in privacy policy, and now they're back for round two, taking a swing at Google Apps: described as "what happens when the world's largest advertising business tries to sell productivity software on the side."
The video, titled 'Googlighting' stars the rather clumsily named "Googen Apperson," who is applying for a job at what seems to be a large business. However, throughout the interview, he fails to answer key questions about functionality in Google Apps that feature in Microsoft's counterparts, meaning he fails in his escapades.

Virgin Media Using 'Success Kid' Meme For Marketing
Memes have become commonplace for the viral spread of messages; but there has always seemed to be a distinct gap between this form of communication and the 'upper echelon' of marketing, until now. Virgin Media have begun to use the famous 'Success Kid' meme in their promotional material, including their website and billboards all over UK.
Go behind the scenes with Google's Think Insights
Ever been curious about people's search habits around Google? How many videos are watched on Youtube? How many blogs are posted in a day? The public facing side of analytics, Think insights, came out of beta yesterday.