Watch the most cringe-worthy LinkedIn profile descriptions performed by actors
Let's be honest, many people don't get how to use LinkedIn. While it's a professional network to help look for your next employer, you don't need to sound like the career-driven version of Jesus, which is what 'LinkedIn Out Loud' sums up hilariously.

Watch this hilarious parody horror trailer about a self-aware killer drone
This may just be a parody trailer, but it's not going to be long before someone creates a horror film about a hobbyist's quadcopter becoming self-aware and murdering its human masters. Introducing The Drone.

#NRMPlays GAME OF THE YEAR: 420BLAZEIT. Nothing Comes Close To This Insanity
Copious amounts of offensive internet memes, comic sans text, Doritos and Mountain Dew sum up the rather insane experience that is GAME OF THE YEAR: 420BLAZEIT, a 360 no-scope to the face of modern FPS culture.