Scientists Reach A Temperature Lower Than Absolute Zero
Physicists at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Germany have hit a temperature lower than absolute zero, rewriting the laws of physics in the process.
The World’s Most Powerful Lasers Set To Tear Apart The Vacuum Of Space-Time Itself
Hoping to conjure enough energy that it ought to be able to pull “virtual” particles out of the vacuum of space-time – quantum mechanics implies that space-time can never truly be ‘empty’ – the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) project is an undeniably tantalising (yet mind-numbingly complex) prospect.
Researchers Devise Test To Determine If We're Living In 'The Matrix'
Are we living in a computer simulation right now? If so, the human race would be completely oblivious to a programmed existence. That is until now, as University of Bonn nuclear physicist Silas Beane and his colleagues have devised a test that exploits a key feature of simulations; the existence of an underlying lattice construct by finding its end points or edges.
Warp Drive Is More Feasible Than First Thought, According To NASA Scientists
‘Warp drive’ – a concept popularised in our favourite sci-fi shows such as Star Trek – is not as unrealistic as it was first believed, according to top scientists from NASA. They say there is a distinct “hope” that we can reach faster-than-light travel in years to come following ‘breakthroughs’ in warp drive theory.
Self-Confessed Science Geek Builds Hand-Crafted Particle Accelerator
July 3rd 2012 will go down in scientific history for the day in which scientists from CERN confirmed they had evidence of the elusive ‘God particle’, or Higgs Boson. But for designer Patrick Stevenson-Keating, it brought a new-found relevancy to his very own, working model of a particle accelerator made entirely out of common household objects. Namely, glass bulbs, a pump, magnets and some 45,000 volts.
CERN Confirms Discovery Of New Particle Consistent With Higgs Boson
The European Organization For Nuclear Research have announced their observation of the heaviest boson particle ever found, which has given a strong case for proving the existence of the elusive Higgs.
Graphics researchers discover the secret behind rainbows
What started as a research project into improving the amount of finite detail that goes into CGI film and video game backgrounds, turned into a discovery about the physics of rainbows and how they are formed.