The Pointless Pseudoscience Of Young People And Screen Time
So, a study has come about how teens are not damaged by screen time… Let’s take it with a pinch of salt, shall we?

Solar Panels Embedded In Clothes Are The Future Of Mobile Phone Charging
Found yourself stuck with low phone battery and no charger? The future will fix that - thanks to clothing embedded with tiny solar cells the size of a flea!

These Two Stories Make Me Worried We Will Become Slaves To Technology…
I always laughed off any fears of becoming a slave to technology, but I received two story releases that changed all of that and got me seriously concerned about our future relationship with gadgets.

Avatars Can Help Schizophrenia Patients Control The Voices In Their Head
A UK medical trial has found that showing schizophrenic patients an avatar that represents the voices in their heads makes them better able to deal with their hallucinations.
Fitness Trackers Are ‘Poor’ At Measuring Calories Burned
Don’t trust that fitness tracker data… While most are good at measuring heart rate, research shows they are poor at measuring calories burned.

Study Shows No Long-Term Effects Of Violent Video Games On Aggression levels
A study has found that violent video games have zero long-term effects on a person’s empathy, no matter how little or how much they play.

Scientists Start Treating Paranoia With Virtual Reality
If you thought therapy was the only treatment for paranoia, think again. An Oxford University study has found that use virtual reality to put patients in situations they fear is a far more effective solution.

Scientists Successfully Grow Crops In Mars Soil Conditions
Researchers from Wageningen University & Research centre in the Netherlands have created Mars-equivalent soil in the lab and successfully managed to grow crops in it. This is a huge step towards the potential future colonisation of the red planet.

Facebook Says There Are Only 3.57 Degrees Of Separation
A study from Facebook has shown that 6 degrees of separation is too much, as there are just three and a half people between any one person and another on average.

Scientists Say Spider-Man Can't Exist Because Humans Have Small Feet
At some point, all of you have dreamt about being Spider-Man. Those dreams will stay entirely fictional, unfortunately. Scientists have confirmed this will never be physically possible because humans are too big, and have feet that are too small for the job.

Robots learn to solve problems faster by playing Minecraft
Minecraft is great for teaching young gamers key skills like problem solving and creativity, but it's not just humans who can learn a something from it. Researchers have used the computer game to teach robots these same skills in a faster, more efficient way.

Scientists X-ray chocolate to find out how it turns white
Ever left a chocolate bar long enough for it to turn white? While it's harmless, the sweet stuff doesn't look that appetising after it happens. Scientists at Nestle have started work to figure out what's going on at a microscopic level by X-raying chocolate.

Study shows having more sex will not make you happier
The assumption is that having more sex will make you happier, but I'm afraid that isn't the case. According to researchers from Carnegie Mellon University, increased frequency of sexual activity leads to a decline in actually wanting it, meaning enjoyment (and happiness) is reduced.

Facebook news feed echo chamber is your fault for not having enough friends, says Facebook
Does Facebook filter what views and opinions you see on your news feed? In a study conducted by the social network, it turns out you've only got yourself to blame for not having enough friends with diverse beliefs.
Researchers Say Action-Packed Videogames Help Dyslexia
According to a new study in the latest issue of Current Biology, action-packed videogames with absolutely no reading or linguistic elements whatsoever can actually improve the reading ability of children with dyslexia. Using Rayman Raving Rabbids as the game of choice, the study suggests that dyslexia not only effects the linguistic centers of the brain, but also areas of the brain which govern attention and motor skills as well.
'Star Wars' Got It Wrong. What Jumping To Hyperspace Would Actually Look Like
As is commonplace in science fiction, when a spacecraft makes the "jump to lightspeed," stars in the galaxy stretch in front of your eyes. But University of Leicester students have calculated what you would actually see when travelling through space at the speed of light.

Over 13,000 People In The UK Still Watch Black And White Television
Figures released today by the TV Licensing authority show more than 13,000 households across the UK are still using black and white television sets.
Blocking Pirate Websites Does Not Stop Online Piracy
Research conducted by Boston Northeastern University has determined various anti-piracy strategies, including censorship and blockades, are not effective in stopping the downloading of pirated content.