Vote For New Rising Media In The UK Blog Awards 2019
New Rising Media is in the UK Blog Awards 2019 - if you love what I do, it would mean the world to me if you voted!

'This is Madness.' Star Wars Launches 64-Character March Madness Bracket
Ever wondered who would win in a galactic mash-up of the most elite Star Wars characters? Adding a touch of the Force to 'March Madness' proceedings, the team at StarWars.com have announced their own bracket, simply named 'This Is Madness.'
YouTube Slam asks you to cast your vote for the next viral hit
Today, YouTube has officially announced Slam, juxtaposing two videos and allowing you to cast a vote for your favourite out of them. Think Google Slam, only bought into the YouTube era.
This represents a "video discovery experiment" for the site, to help find those videos hidden beneath the clutter that is promoted channels and paid-for viral videos, to help give the average contributor a fairer chance at the gold.
Bring 2.8 Hours Later to Nottingham and Lincoln
We hear a multitude of plans for urban regeneration: the cultural upgrades of whatever potential creative hubs we have within the two cities in which we writers reisde. But there is another simple option. Zombies.