QR Code Condoms Let You Check-in To Show Where You're Getting It On
To those who are experiencing the perilous winters of sexlessness, things are about to get worse. And to those who feel the urge to socially exclaim their moments of procreation, your prayers have been answered. A batch of 50,000 condoms have been emblazoned with QR codes on the wrappers, to allow people to check-in anonymously, as a geotagged badge of their sexual activity.
'Snake The Planet': Taking Classic 8-Bit Gaming To The Side Of Buildings
It's likely you're all familiar with the simple, classic, yet oh-so-addictive game 'Snake' by now. First introduced to arcades in the late 1970s, it was when mobile phone manufacturer Nokia began pre-loading the game onto its old monochrome-display phones when it exploded into the public consciousness, where it has remained ever since. Now, a team of media artists and computational designers – known by the name Mobile Projection Unit (you'll see why) – are taking the classic game one step further, and in a very big way – the side of buildings big.
Researchers Build 'SpeechJammer' To Mute The Human Voice
Japanese researchers have created a device to perpetuate the definition of "silence is golden," by remotely cutting off human speech without any physical discomfort or intervention. So with what looks like a handheld speed camera, you can literally mute a person: a piece of technology many of us here wish we can acquire.
SETI Live Crowdsources The Search For Extra Terrestrials
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence needs your help, in a rather novel online concept called the 'SETI Live' program, allowing you to examine radio waves for alien activity.
The free-to-use service presents users from around the world with a series of radio frequency signals, which were gathered by the recently restarted Allen Telescope Array (ATA), that emanate from the Kepler field. They've picked this field in particular because it's gathered significant traction of attention recently, as a series of earth-like planets that could support life have been spotted there.
iPad 3 Concept Uses Retina Display And 3D Holograms
Ahead of the iPad announcement on March 7, Aatma Studios have released an iPad 3 concept features video, with retina display and the use of 3D holographics and table projections.
The first extravagant conceptual design choice to immediately take note of is the use of an edge-to-edge display measured at 2560x1140 pixels (a.k.a 'retina'). With the complete surface being a screen, alluding to a larger display, the entire front panel works as the home button to the user.
US Navy Test Fires New Railgun
The Navy have been persistently active in their research into a ship-mounted railgun for their vessels, and have allowed a public insight into the progress of this project, releasing a test shot video from the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Virginia.
Offbeatr: Kickstarter For Porn
Yes dear reader, we understand that the title maybe misconstrued; but that is the most blunt way we can define Offbeatr. It literally is a version of Kickstarter for the porn industry, providing a crowdsourced way of funding such projects to hit the likes of youporn and spankwire.
A 'Back To The Future' Hoverboard That Actually Hovers
So not too long ago, Mattel officially announced the release of their hoverboard which featured in Back to the Future II, giving many-a-nerd such as myself a profound sense of pride. Not so impressed that it doesn't actually hover though; but that's where one genius has brought us closer to the realisation of our dream.
Google Adds Request For Wallet Signup During Gmail Registration
Google has begun asking customers to sign up for Google Wallet when they sign up for Gmail. The third step in signing up for the search titans email services is now entering credit card information for Google's payment processing service. A brave move considering a section of recent public opinion towards the company's farming of data and privacy concerns.
Chaotic Moon's Mind-Controlled Skateboard
Just over a month on from their modestly titled 'Board of Awesomeness,' Chaotic Moon have emerged from the workshop with an improved model, swapping out the Kinect sensor bar in favour for an Emotive EPOC headset, and renaming it to the also modest 'Board of Imagination.'
Simply put, it's an electronic skateboard you control with your mind.
'Goosebumps' Author Tweets A Short Horror Story

Voiceless Comedian Performs Stand-up Routine With Help Of iPad
Lee Ridley, also known as the 'Lost Voice Guy' performed his very first stand-up comedy routine in Sunderland earlier this month - something that he didn't even imagine happening since he can't actually speak.
Study Shows Mobile Phone Use Makes You Selfish
The technology may have granted the public the ability to communicate with thre rest of the world in a way that's not been possible; but it turns out that very technology could be making us close off from the world. A study by the University of Maryland has found that people after using their phones are more likely to engage in behaviour that would soully benefit themselves and not others, than those who didn't, or just used Facebook instead.
Microsoft Burns Google With 'Googlighting' Video
They issued a press-beatdown around Google's change in privacy policy, and now they're back for round two, taking a swing at Google Apps: described as "what happens when the world's largest advertising business tries to sell productivity software on the side."
The video, titled 'Googlighting' stars the rather clumsily named "Googen Apperson," who is applying for a job at what seems to be a large business. However, throughout the interview, he fails to answer key questions about functionality in Google Apps that feature in Microsoft's counterparts, meaning he fails in his escapades.
Gentlemint. A Social Discovery Network For Manly Men
Ever wanted to remove yourself from the unmistakably drab discussion from the sea of reprobates that populate the inter-connected likes of Facebook or Twitter? Find yourself to be a conniseur of a male? We may have the cure to an ailment you never knew you have. The fruit of two programmers' labours has produced Gentlemint: a social discovery site for the true gentlemen to perouse 'manly' content.
Star Wars Fan Builds Beautiful Model Lightsaber, Gets It Autographed By Luke Himself
Bradley Lewis, a video game developer and industrious fan of classic science fiction, has put together a brilliant recreation of Luke Skywalker's lightsaber from A New Hope. The lightsaber was built for Celebration V: a massive Star Wars convention in Orlando. Mr. Lewis managed to get the lightsaber done in time for the show, where he was lucky enough to get Mark Hamill to autograph it.

Virgin Media Using 'Success Kid' Meme For Marketing
Memes have become commonplace for the viral spread of messages; but there has always seemed to be a distinct gap between this form of communication and the 'upper echelon' of marketing, until now. Virgin Media have begun to use the famous 'Success Kid' meme in their promotional material, including their website and billboards all over UK.
Record-Breaking Freefall Pioneers Spacesuit Technology
While Red Bull are looking to break the record for the highest freefall time and distance, via jumping from the edge of space, the dedicated Stratos team have also made a huge scientific contribution to the creation of spacesuits by making their own custom version, with some innovative technology.
UK Government Report Urges ISPs To Take Down Terrorist Content
A Government report on the roots of religious radicalization and terrorism has sent out a message to ISPs to curate and regulate potentially illegal content that incites terrorism, concluding that the internet "features in most, if not all, of the routes of radicalization."
Phones 4U 'JUMP'. Swap Your Contract Phone Every Six Months
We get it, and we're sure you do too if you're reading this. Two years is sometimes too long with one phone. Maybe your phone is outdated far too soon, or maybe you just want to try all of the options in the smartphone market. This is why independent phone retailer Phones 4U has begun its all new plan, simply called JUMP (Just Upgrade My Phone).