Online Piracy Can Now Get You Up To 10 Years In A UK Prison
If you’re a regular online pirate in Britain, you may want to stop now. UK Government just introduced the new Digital Economy Bill, which despite public protest has increased the maximum prison sentence to ten years.

New UK Image Copyright Law Allows Anyone To Use Uploaded Images. The Government Responds
The Enterprise Regulatory and Reform Act, which puts controversial new copyright laws around what is called "orphan works" in place for photos uploaded onto the internet, received Royal Assent and will be published on May 2nd 2013.
'Live-Action Toy Story Project' Recreates Full-Length Pixar Film With Real Live Toys
Jonason Paule and Jesse Perrotta have been working for the past three years on the 'Live-Action Toy Story Project.' A recteation of the entire film in real life. And after receiving confirmation that Pixar would not sue them for everything they had for releasing it, the film is now live!
Torrenters Beware, You're Likely Being Tracked
There aren't many people in such Internet-savvy times who would plead ignorance to ever using a BitTorrent client to download pirated music, video or programs. But even so, our behaviour online is likely drawing us a whole lot of unwanted attention from copyright-enforcement agencies, according to a new study by a group of computer security researchers from the University of Birmingham.
Porn Publisher Sues Tumblr Over Photo Use
If you're a user of the social micro-blogging service, you'll be more than well aware of the presence of near-incessantly uploaded and reblogged pornographic imagery. That is until now, however, as Perfect 10, a pornography publisher has launched a lawsuit against the platform for ingringing on its copyrighted material.
Syndicate Devs' Hidden Message Urges Pirates To Apply For Jobs
Novel ways to prevent piracy of videogames don't come along too often, but when they do it's usually worth discussing; from Digital Rights Management (DRM) to one-time use activation codes, Cloud Copy Protection (employed by Ubisoft, but currently on hiatus as seen with its absence in AC: Revelations), unstoppable mutant scorpion (used by Serious Sam 3: BFE dev Croteam to discourage early piraters of the game and everything in-between.

Virgin Media Using 'Success Kid' Meme For Marketing
Memes have become commonplace for the viral spread of messages; but there has always seemed to be a distinct gap between this form of communication and the 'upper echelon' of marketing, until now. Virgin Media have begun to use the famous 'Success Kid' meme in their promotional material, including their website and billboards all over UK.
Jailbreaking exemption law expiring soon
Copyright protection for people who jailbreak their iPhones, as to install unauthorized apps and modify the inner workings of the OS, is set to expire soon. In the face of this, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has started asking for signatures on a new petition to renew this jailbreaking exemption law.