3 Reasons Why The Future Is Better Than You Think It Is…
It may not be easy to see it right now, but the future will be better than you fear.

Nobody Wants Facebook Stories - Please Just Stop
I see you, Facebook Stories. Taking up a third of the top of my news feed and for what? A failed experiment that the people are unhappy about.

Why Are Businesses Making Loads Of Fake Facebook Events?
You may have set yourself as ‘going’ to one of many Facebook events that quite clearly a joke… Why have so many popped up out of nowhere?
Is Your Hometown’s Facebook Group Full Of Psychopaths Like Mine?
Are you a part of your small hometown’s Facebook group? If its anything like the one I’m in, you’ve probably seen the psychotic fringe of what your childhood place of residence has to offer.

Facebook Dating Is Ghosting Privacy Responsibilities And Swiping Left On Real Connections
With Facebook’s announcement of new dating features at this year’s F8, two things are clear - privacy is still a very real issue and Mark Zuckerberg really doesn’t get dating…

The Facebook In Congress Calamity - Testimony Turns Into Old People Confused About The Internet
Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified before members of Congress. Many expected a thorough grilling of the social network’s founder. Instead, we got a bunch of old people who didn’t know a single thing about the internet.

The Ugly Truths About Facebook Have Been Hidden In Plain Sight For Years
The recently leaked internal Facebook memo is surely shocking, but come on… You already knew a lot of this stuff.

Why Are Facebook Pages Posting Still Images As Videos?
Viral Facebook pages are regularly sharing still images as videos - much to the confusion and annoyance of users everywhere. Here is why they do this…

Is Facebook Eavesdropping on Your Conversations?
It’s an experience many can relate to: you’re simply talking about a topic, like an item you need for your home, when an ad for that very item shows up in your Facebook feed moments later.

Facebook Admits The Obvious - Social Media Can Be Bad For Democracy
In a complete flip-flop from saying they had “no impact” on the 2016 election, Facebook has finally admitted that social media is bad for democracy - surprising absolutely nobody.

Going Back To Old Facebook Is Good For The Many, Not The Few
Facebook’s plans to change how the news feed works, making businesses, brands and media posts less visible, are a mixed bag of good and bad news.

How To Make Sure Facebook Isn’t Listening To Your Conversations
Is Facebook spying on you, using your phone’s microphone? While I believe they’re not (they don’t need to), it’s fair to doubt me. With that in mind, here’s what you can do to make sure they have no possible way of listening to your conversations.

Virtual Reality Is Not The Future Of Social Media - Facebook Just Proved It
One tone-deaf VR cartoon tour of the Puerto Rico devastation has proven that virtual reality and social networking do not mix. There’s only so much social media based over-complication that we humans can take.

The Jayden K Smith Facebook Hoax Shows Humans Are Still Internet Idiots
You use Facebook, right? No doubt you’ve been warned by your more socially naïve friends not to accept a request from Jayden K Smith. Well, unsurprisingly, this is a hoax and your friends are idiots for sharing it.

Facebook Just Admitted Governments Exploit The Social Network To Spread Propaganda
The fake news problem goes all the way to the top (unsurprisingly), as Facebook casually admitted in a whitepaper that their social network is fertile ground for “subtle and insidious forms of misuse, including attempts to manipulate civic discourse and deceive people.”

20 Ridiculous Places That Will Now Have Stories, Because Facebook
Does everything really need stories? According to Facebook, yes they do and Redditors have been busy mocking them by photoshopping 20 more ridiculous places that will now have stories.

The World Wishes This Traffic-Jam-Beating Car Was Real
A car that rises up to drive over traffic… Sounds like a dream, right? Well, it is I’m afraid. While the Hum Rider is a real car, it’s simply a marketing stunt for Verizon.

Dear Facebook, Stop Turning Everything Into A Snapchat Story Clone
Snapchat story clones are cropping up everywhere in Facebook-owned apps and it’s not necessary. Would you ever want to post the same story across four different platforms? Or course not.

Stalkscan Shows You Just How Much Of Your “Private” Facebook Activity Is Actually Public
It’s a common story - you access Facebook’s privacy settings and lock down your account, to prevent your data falling into the wrong hands. But how much of your activity, in spite of changing those settings, is still public? Well, a Belgian white hat hacker made the site ‘Stalkscan’ to find out.