Nepenthez Gets Nicked - FIFA Gambling Site Taken to Court
Internet, news Jamie O'Flinn Internet, news Jamie O'Flinn

Nepenthez Gets Nicked - FIFA Gambling Site Taken to Court

YouTube Gaming channels are rapidly becoming a major part of online entertainment. Whether it be Let’s Players, Review and Analysis, News Channels, or any number of variations, more and more people are making their living either playing or discussing games – and attracting legions of fans while they do so. However, one thing this rapidly-growing medium has so far lacked is a concrete set of laws and legislation behind it, and that might be set to change, thanks to an incident in Essex.

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Google Reveals 'Project Loon' Experiment To Bring Internet To 'The Entire World' By Balloons
news, Technology Jason England news, Technology Jason England

Google Reveals 'Project Loon' Experiment To Bring Internet To 'The Entire World' By Balloons

Google has unveiled the latest project to come out of the Google X labs, named "Project Loon."  It involves sending giant balloons up to beam down internet access to remote areas of the planet.  They will provide a more cost effective solution for wireless coverage in regions, that would otherwise be difficult due to location.

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infographic, news, tech Jason England infographic, news, tech Jason England

Infographic: A Break Down Of The Internet In A Day

The internet is vast.  It is a constantly changing landscape of GIFs and cats, which will make our future generations severely question our levels of productivity (blame Reddit).  But what exactly happens in a single day on the web?  How much content is created and shared in this enormous virtual space?  The team at investigated and produced this rather nifty infographic about it.

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Internet, infographic Jason England Internet, infographic Jason England

Infographic: How Much Power Does The Internet Consume?

It's something that we now take for granted in our daily lives, but how often do we spare a thought for the energy poured into data centers minute-by-minute to keep our World Wide Web alive and kicking? With some 2.4 billion users generating the equivalent of around seven million DVD's worth of content every single hour – and the amount of data estimated to quadruple by 2016 - it's a question that nevertheless ought to be pondered. So exactly how power-hungry is the Internet? Allow Wireless Satellite Internet to demonstrate...

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