Three Things I Learnt From E3 2019
E3 2019 has come and gone, leaving me with three important lessons.

9 Big Predictions For E3 2019
E3 2019 is just around the corner - here are my big predictions for the show.

5 Bold E3 2018 Predictions
Let’s not make the same boring E3 2018 predictions… Here are 5 big bets about what we’re going to see at the show!

Microsoft’s Kinect Finds New Life Helping Parkinson’s Patients
A team at Brunel University London has developed a new system, which helps people with Parkinson’s disease overcome debilitating walking problems.

It’s About Time Accessible Gaming Was Taken Seriously
With the release of Microsoft’s Xbox Adaptive Controller, I applaud an industry that is finally looking out for the needs of the disabled gaming community - but let’s not forget the 30+ years of history that led to this development.
Going All Geek On You 🤓 - Learn Something Episode 28
On this episode of Learn Something, it's a geek week and I'm covering a whole bunch of nerdy questions you've never thought about..

5 Major Tech Companies Have Formed A Partnership On AI - Be Scared
Amazon, Facebook, Google, IBM and Microsoft have formed the 'Partnership on Artificial Intelligence to Benefit People and Society.' I'm seriously doubting the last part of that mission statement...

Artificial Intelligence Judges Beauty Contest - Racism Ensues
A beauty contest judged entirely by Artificial Intelligence has found itself in the middle of an internet uproar, as the AI mostly chose white people as the winners.

No, Sony And Microsoft. Most People Don’t Want A New Playstation Or Xbox Right Now
With the Playstation 4 Pro heading for a November release and Microsoft’s new Xbox, codenamed Project Scorpio, on the horizon for next year, consumers are stuck with a question – do you need or want one?
And the answer in pretty much all circumstances is a resounding “no.”

You Can Apply To Be A Space Tour Guide… In 2025
We hear it all the time - space travel will be available to us all by the mid-2020s, but what does that mean for creating new jobs? Well, you can find out and even look to apply as a Space Tour Guide by 2025, according to a report by The Future Laboratory and Microsoft.

Microsoft E3 2016 Press Conference LIVE
Microsoft will be the first of the major console manufacturers to throw their hat in the ring at this year’s E3 – and you can watch it right here LIVE!

Microsoft 'Holoportation' Lets You Share A Room With Walking Talking Holograms
Microsoft is developing "Holoportation". This new technology captures 3D models of people, compresses them and transmits them to other parts of the world in real time. This allows users to walk and talk in a room thousands of miles away without physically being there.

Windows 95 Running On A Nintendo 3DS XL Is Pretty Weird
We've seen PC software installed on a lot of impractical devices, and the trend isn't stopping in 2016. GBATemp fan Shutterbug2000 has managed to put Windows 95 on a Nintendo 3DS XL, courtesy of DOSbox emulation and some clever reworking.

How old do Star Wars characters look?
Many of you have had fun with Microsoft's powerfully judgemental website how-old.net, but how old did the cast of Star Wars look back in their prime? In celebration of May the Fourth (and to get over the fact it thinks I look 38 when I'm 24) I took a look.

Microsoft predicts a future of giant displays and thin bendable tablets
Microsoft has big visions for the future. If you've followed any of their previous videos, you'll know they mostly surround big screens a bendy tablets. Well in what is their "productivity future vision," the software developer has looked five-10 years in the future to a world of holograms, super thin tablets and 3D printers.

Microsoft's 'RoomAlive' Turns Your Living Room Into A Video Game Level
Remember last year's Kinect concept 'IllumiRoom'? Microsoft Research are back with their next iteration of this technology named 'RoomAlive,' which turns the whole room into an augmented-reality game through the power of multiple Kinect systems and projectors.

Exeter Students Win $50,000 For 'SoundSynk' App That Plays Music From Infinite Phones
A team of four University of Exeter students have won $50,000 (£33,100) for developing an app that allows an infinite number of devices to play music simultaneously, effectively creating a symphony of speakers.

Watch The Microsoft E3 2013 Press Conference Here LIVE
After announcing the Xbox One a few weeks ago, Microsoft are back at E3 to let us know more about the next gen eration console, along with announcing some of the games that will be launched on it. Watch it here live.

Xbox One Or Playstation 4? Our Readers Respond
The console wars have begun again. Sony and Microsoft will be releasing their next generation hardware this year. So with this in mind we wanted to know which you are most excited for: The Xbox One or the Playstation 4?