Lab Experiment Accidentally Gave Students Caffeine Dose Equal To 300 Coffees
Many of us need coffee to function, but now we know what having 300 cups in one day will do to you… A UK University messed up an experiment and gave two students this massive dose of caffeine.

Twitter Users Confuse EDF Energy With English Defence League Following Woolwich Protest
Energy firm EDF has been trending on Twitter; but for all the wrong reasons. Users have confused the company with the English Defence League, sending them hundreds of abusive tweets about the far-right movement's protests.
Nottingham Cinema Shows Paranormal Activity To Kids Instead Of Madagascar 3
A cinema full of children expecting to see the 'Madagascar 3' were accidentally shown the supernatural horror film 'Paranormal Activity 4,' causing an uproar from the families rushing out of the auditorium.
Microsoft Mistakenly Ask Google To Block BBC And The US Government Over Copyright Infringement
Microsoft France have mistakenly filed a takedown notice to Google, under the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) accusing seemingly innocent sites such as the BBC, The Washington Post and the US government of infringing copyright. Beyond this, the automated system Microsoft seem to have running has also requested the block of any webpage containing the number 45.
Unfortunately Named Natalie Westerman (@Natwest) Bombarded With Twitter Complaints
Have you been accused of turning a routine software update into a massive debacle leaving huge numbers of people without access to their money this week? Nope? Neither have I. The same, however, cannot be said for 22-year-old English teacher, Natalie Westerman who's Twitter username @natwest launched her into the limelight this week, when NatWest's online banking fiasco hit the headlines.
BBC Mistakes 'Halo' Emblem For United Nations Logo On Live TV
The BBC may have gotten slightly ahead of itself with this by about a couple centuries, as a news broadcast put out the logo image of Halo's own "United Nations Space Command," insteaf of the UN emblem.