Mineral on Mars Plunges Its Past Deeper Into Mystery
The Curiosity rover has been doing some drilling on Mars, and what is has discovered has NASA scratching their heads. A mineral known as tridymite has been uncovered beneath the surface of Mars. And its presence raises far more questions than it answers.

NASA Mars Rover Draws Giant Penis On The Surface Of Red Planet
Anybody who has kept up with the Curiosity Rover's antics on Twitter will know NASA has a cheeky sense of humour, but we never expected this. Looks like an employee has used the Rover to draw a giant penis on the surface of Mars. The photo in question shows one of Spirit’s or Opportunity’s tyre tracks leaving a very appendage-looking impression in the Martian dust.
'ATHLETE.' NASA's Next Robot Walker To Build A Moon Base
In NASA’s continued ambition to further space exploration, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory has designed the next rover to build and supply a future lunar base. The ATHLETE (All-Terrain Hex-Limbed Extra-Terrestrial Explorer) is designed to tackle any terrain the moon could throw at it, while transporting tools, equipment and personnel in the process.
Mars Rover Curiosity To Drill Into First Martian Rock. Search For Evidence Of Water
NASA has announced that the Mars rover Curiosity will drill into Martian rock for the first time to look for proof that water once existed on the Red Planet.
NASA's Curiosity Rover Checks Into Mars On Foursquare
NASA's Curiosity checked in for the first time on Mars, becomimg the first check-in ever from another planet.
Probably the last possible occurence the founders of Foursquare ever anticipated, Curiosity has checked in with the rather funny line "One check-in closer to being Mayor of Mars."
NASA's Curiosity Finds Evidence Of Water Stream On Mars
NASA's Curiosity rover has discovered an ancient stream bed, revealing evidence of running water and possible life on Mars.
Amazing 360-Degree Panorama Of Mars From Curiosity
Curiosity landed safely, if in a dramatic fashion, and has been sending photos back to Earth ever since. Photographer Andrew Bodrov has stitched a selection of these together to create a full panoramic image, pretty much like Google's Street View on the red planet.
Mars Rover Curiosity Gets A Software Update
The Curiosity Rover has spent the weekend on Mars having its software updated, or what NASA more elegantly describes as a "brain transplant."
NASA Enlists Shatner To Voice Curiosity Video Ahead Of Mars Landing
There are few celebrity personalities out there that we could name to be a more ideal fit to voice a NASA video which details the plan to bring the agency's 'Curiosity' rover down to a safe landing on Mars next week.