Don’t Condemn Snapchat. The Buck Stops With Parents!
Don’t condemn Snapchat as a ‘child tracking’ privacy threat for introducing Snap Map – blame the parents for not being educated on what their children are using.

Calm Down, News Media - Snapchat Is Not Failing
The media has had a field day, following the IPO of Snap Inc. The camera company is either “running on old ideas” by reportedly working on a drone, or at the worst, you and “all your friends” are leaving Snapchat.
Snapchat Spectacles Review: Do They Hold Up Without The Hype?
Now that Snapchat Spectacles are available online, the sheen of vending machine-related exclusivity is now off. That makes this the perfect time to post a long term review of my own pair.
Snapchat Spectacles Took Over CES 2017 Without Actually Being There
As the next Snapchat Spectacles location was revealed just outside the T-Mobile arena in Las Vegas, Snap Inc. quickly became one of the most influential companies at CES without actually being on the show floor.

This Doctor Recorded A Surgery Using Snapchat’s Spectacles
In one of the more graphic uses of Snapchat Spectacles, a British surgeon has captured an entire surgery using the camera-equipped sunglasses.

The Story About Instagram Stories – Desperate Times, Desperate Measures?
Well… This is a surprise. After spending three years trying to buy and create a more successful clone of Snapchat, Instagram (and by extension, Facebook) have shamelessly ripped off Snapchat Stories with an identical feature named “Instagram Stories.”

Why have a load of emojis popped up on your Snapchat friends list?
Yes, I know its a "dramatic update" we have to talk about. Why do you have love hearts, smiley faces and grimaces appearing next to your friends names on Snapchat? It's pretty self explanatory really, and if you haven't grasped onto it yet I feel sorry for you.