Nobody Wants Facebook Stories - Please Just Stop
I see you, Facebook Stories. Taking up a third of the top of my news feed and for what? A failed experiment that the people are unhappy about.
Is Your Hometown’s Facebook Group Full Of Psychopaths Like Mine?
Are you a part of your small hometown’s Facebook group? If its anything like the one I’m in, you’ve probably seen the psychotic fringe of what your childhood place of residence has to offer.

Pokémon GO Is Broken. Here’s How To Fix It…
Recent Pokémon GO developments have inspired me to try the app again… Turns out it’s still as broken as I remember it.

Don’t Condemn Snapchat. The Buck Stops With Parents!
Don’t condemn Snapchat as a ‘child tracking’ privacy threat for introducing Snap Map – blame the parents for not being educated on what their children are using.

Mobile World Congress Proves That Smartphones Are Boring - We Deserve Better
There are no two ways to say this - smartphones are boring and Mobile World Congress has exposed this. If the biggest news story coming out of Barcelona is the return of Nokia's feature phone, then we have a problem...

UK Government Just Admitted To Illegally Spying On Citizens for 17 Years, But Won't Stop
After a legal battle that spanned more than a year, the UK government's surveillance agency - GCHQ - admitted to illegally spying for the past 17 years and apologised for their actions. But then, thanks to some tiny changes in GCHQ policy, it turns out they can carry on without being punished.
Isn't that some bull shit...

Why The Metropolitan Police Aren’t Prepared To Stop Internet Trolls - And A Solution To Their Problems
News recently broke that the Metropolitan Police have set up a specialist task force to deal with online trolling. Whilst we can all applaud the positive step that this is, it’s important to ask the question: will this actually help?

Facebook news feed echo chamber is your fault for not having enough friends, says Facebook
Does Facebook filter what views and opinions you see on your news feed? In a study conducted by the social network, it turns out you've only got yourself to blame for not having enough friends with diverse beliefs.

New Rising Media Will Return
"When you feel like quitting, think about why you started" - Author Unknown
I guess it takes standing on the edge of a cliff in the Peak District, seeing the world in front of you to truly take stock of what you have and what you dream to achieve someday.
The Science Of How Comment Trolls Influence Your Opinion
It's almost second nature to expect a series of trollish comments below any science story published on the internet. Generally, we like to think that these responses don't influence us; but this couldn't be further from the truth. New research from the University of Wisconsin-Madison shows that their tone can actually impact readers' opinions about the subject of the article.
Lord McAlpine, You Cannot Sue Every Twitter User
Can you imagine what it must feel like to be publically branded a pedophile? That's exactly what happened to the former Tory party grandee Lord McAlpine. Is it any wonder he wanted to clear his name. In the past, if your reputation was injured the law gave you the chance to sue for slander,or in this case libel. The problem is, how can you sue tens of thousands of people who use Twitter? Obviously you can't, and that's where the problem lies.
A Spooky Sensation: Carrie
Walking into my local charity shop the other day (on the hunt for some cheap Halloween attire) I came across a very bland and old fashioned salmon pink dress, very popular in modern day trends I think. The girl in front of me wanted to purchase it, but stated that she had no money on that particular day and would return for it tomorrow. Upon arrival the next day she discovered it lavished in ‘blood red’ paint, and saw the label now stated “CARRIE” in large letters. No doubt you could imagine the horrors the girl felt when she saw the tarnished dress, but in reality the horror came to me.
Love And Hate Of Paranormal Activity
It has both gained a huge approving audience, and yet an insurmountable history of hatred all at the same time. Paranormal Activity has been quite the talking point for its frightful minimalism of horror and Blair Witch style cinematography; but these have been the very reasons why you either love or hate the film.
Turns out we at New Rising Media can never come to an agreement on any debate, so we've taken two polarising opinions from two divided editors. Hopefully they'll forgive each other soon; but we're not banking on it.
Editorial: Slender Is Not Scary
I followed the advice: play Slender at midnight wearing headphones. The psychologically troubling atmosphere and sheer tension my friends described was enough to excite anyone who thinks of the original Silent Hill as one of his favourite games.
I take a second to prepare myself, and I play, only to find a disappointly tame experience. Why?
Why I'm Buying The iPhone 5, And Why You'd Be Wise To Do So Too
The iPhone 5 wasn't the revolutionary device people anticipated. I get that. The feeling of solidarity through disappointment about the sizeable lack of innovation from the last generation (which had already stung many before with a near identical device compared to the year before that) has been felt by even those faithful solely to Apple. This should have been the phone they announced in 2011.
So why do I find myself as one of the two million who ordered the phone within the hour? After so many blog posts rallying against the purchase of the iPhone 5, recommending such a device is going to be an impossible task.
Diablo III Fallout Should Put A Nail In The Coffin Of Always-On DRM
It promised to be one of the biggest videogame launches of all-time. 12 years in waiting, Blizzard’s Diablo III was already the biggest pre-seller ever and as highly anticipated as any game has been in recent gaming history. But it's launch will be one the team behind will not forget in a hurry - it was one instead deeply, drastically marred from the very second Blizzard turned the switch on its quite hellish creation. The perils of always-on DRM security and our route to a digital-only future are only now beginning to reveal their ugly faces.
A Tumblr Is Not A Blog
So the general trend of Google search results seems that Tumblr is going to eclipse the general term 'Blog' before the end of 2012, cementing its meteoric rise to the most popular blogging platform.
But in the grand scheme of things, I find it difficult to classify Tumblr as a blogging platform.
Editorial: Plan B Is Only Half Right. Everybody Is Alienated
So Plan B (Ben Drew) has returned to his roots in rap and underground electronic music with his new release 'ill Manors,' and was interviewed recently by MistaJam on BBC Radio 1Xtra about some of the topics surrounding rioters' motives across Britain last year, and the stereotypical nature of the press when it comes to the working class. Alongside this he also released a statement on his website.
Editorial: Twitter Is Not A Social Network
So Twitter CEO Dick Costolo sat down for a conversation with All Things D's Peter Kafka at D: Dive Into Media on Monday night. They discuss the recent outrage against Google's 'Search plus your world.' However, in his calm response, he answers another question we've been asking: exactly how will Twitter be defined?
Editorial: Open Graph Apps contradict the point of Facebook
So Facebook rolled out the full launch of it's Open Graph at their keynote this week. 60 Open Graph apps have been announced to inspire developers to adopt the new platform: implementing 'verbs' to better literate what you're doing, and unique designs to individualise their presence within the realm of your timeline.