Valve's 'Handbook For New Employees' Made Public
Ever felt your standards of what defines a good job melt away at the sight of another company's internal communication? Valve, developer of popular series Half-Life and Portal, alongside their online digital game store Steam has seen a leak of their "Handbook for New Employees."

Lost For 25 Years, Indian Man Finds His Mother Using Google Earth
In 1986, a young Indian boy by the name of Saroo Brierly was working as a sweeper on India's trains. On one fateful night, he'd make a mistake that would go on to determine not only the rest of his childhood, but a substantial portion of his life. It was a sequence of ill-fortuned events that led the then five-year old Saroo over 1,000km from home and his family, to the impoverished slums and crowded streets of Calcutta. It took him 25 years and the help of Google's virtual globe to find his way back home...
Brain Scan Can Predict How Sexually Active You'll Be And How Fat You'll Get
A team of researchers have successfully been able to predict a person's weight gain and sexual activity, from the use of MRI scans, giving you a heads up in advance to just how many charms of temptation you may fall for (be it fatty foods or sexual conquests).
Apple And Samsung CEOs Agree To Settlement Talks Over Patent Disputes
The battle which has been fought in the courts between Apple and Samsung may be headed towards it's conclusion in three months time, as Apple's CEO Tim Cook and Choi Gee-Sung of Samsung have agreed to discuss a possible settlement.

Social Media In TV Ads Proven Effective
A survey conducted by Accenture has identified that a third of Americans have used social media as a result of TV adverts. This has definitely surprised us to say the least.
Modern TV Shows Reborn As Classic Sitcoms
If you're a regular reader of our fair site, then there's a good chance that your a fan of various modern American TV shows like The Walking Dead, Dexter, Breaking Bad and The Office US.
But what do you think they would have been like as a Sitcom?
Blog Comments Help Search For A Killer
On Saturday night, a woman named Betty Wheeler was struck and killed by a hit-and-run driver near a highway intersection in Waynesboro, Virginia. As the scene of the crime was investigated, one piece of evidence surfaced: a car part (an air dam) that broke off upon impact (the image above). This is when the community of commenters around the car culture blog Jalopnik took action, and may have just given the authorities some valuable information about the case.
Instagram Bought By Facebook For $1 billion
Mark Zuckerberg has announced that Facebook has acquired the antique photo-filtering/sharing service Instagram for $1 billion in "a combination of cash and shares."
Twitter Aids In Saving A Carjacking Victim
A man was saved from a carjacking in Johannesburg by his mobile phone and a tweet.
On Saturday evening, as he was driving through Honeydew in north-west Johannesburg, two armed men forced him into the boot of his car at gunpoint. At this point he sent a text to his girlfriend, who promptly took to Twitter to spread the word beyond contacting authorities, detailing the car and the time of hijack.
Five Charged In Case Of Boy Who Sold Kidney For iPhone
A surgeon and four others have been charged for illegal organ trading in China following an illicit transplant operation which took place last year on a teenage high-school student, who since has been taken critically ill and is suffering from kidney failure. But this is no ordinary case of illegal organ harvesting: the 17-year old high school student was propositioned to undergo the surgery on an online chat room and had intended to use his profits from selling one of his kidneys to buy, and we're not making this up, an iPhone and iPad.

Just How Big A Portion Of The Internet Does Porn Take Up?
Porn is literally everywhere on the internet. Look no further than targeted explicit advertisements that seem to adorn what seems to be every other page, the healthy amount of X-rated content on popular video-sharing sites like Dailymotion and Metacafe, the streams of birthday suit-clad models filtering through nearly every online forum known to man. And that's not even taking into account the porn websites themselves. But how much porn does the internet actually hold? It was a question technology website ExtremeTech simply had to find out, and one that we can do nothing but share. The reality will blow you away.
Google Reveals 'Project Glass' Augmented Reality Specs
Google have officially lifted the veil on their rather science fiction-styled Augmented reality eyewear, going by the name of 'Project Glass.'
The company's research division has created a Google+ page for the project, allowing to give updates on the progress of development. While it has been said we could see these by year's end, even The New York Times said we could be seeing them this year for the average price of a smartphone, we wouldn't hold our breath for a release until at least 2013.
Get Your Twitter Feed Printed On Toilet Paper
The premise could be interpreted as somewhat tacky, along with a name to match up with the crass nature of it all. Shitter allows you to purchase toilet rolls with your Twitter feeds of choice printed on them, for you to read while you handle your business.
Own The Whole Of Youtube On DVD
Youtube has become one of the primary spaces on the internet for anything on the wide ranging spectrum from visual education to procrastination. The service has it all, except for an offline counterpart when, God forbid, your internet connection goes down. Well fear no more kind sir/madam, as on April 1st Youtube has officially announced The Youtube Collection.
Simple. Economical. Convenient. A whole new way to enjoy the videos you love.
Apple Labor Investigation Report Released. Foxconn Worker Issues Exposed
The Fair Labor Association has released its much anticipated report into the conditions of Apple's Foxconn factories in China. This comes after being under fire in recent months about its overseas production of products.
Anchorman 2 Announced
Will Ferrell took to the stage of Conan O'Brien's talk show, in the character of Ron Burgundy to officially announce that a deal had been reached with Paramount to produce a sequel to the comedy legend Anchorman.
UK Employers Warned About Asking For Employee Facebook Logins
The Information Commissioner's Office has sent out a warning to employers in the UK, claiming it would have "very serious concerns" if they were to ask their existing or would-be employees for Facebook login credentials.
1-Bit Camera App Brings Game Boy Camera Nostalgia To iPhone
Ever missed using your Nintendo Game Boy camera attachment to capture black-and-white, extremely low-fi photography? As nothing says 'socially trending' nowadays like a picture with an antique filter on it (hi Instagram), we would like to take you back to 1998 with the 1-Bit Camera app for iPhone.

Dutch Engineer Takes To The Skies On Custom-Built 'Human Birdwings'
The tale of Daedalus and Icarus engineering two pairs of flying wings out of feathers and wax to escape exile imprisonment at the hands of King Minos is one likely familiar to you all. Icarus might have ultimately failed in his attempt to save himself by flying too close to the sun – upon melting the wax that affixed feathers to his arms - but we humans seem to be fascinated by the idea of real human flight, outside of twin-engines and rocket-powered boosters of course. It’s an almost romanticised idea, being able to stretch your arms and go wherever you so choose, ill-constrained by gravity rooting you to terra firma. If a viral video is to be believed however, it is possible and Belgian engineer Jarno Smeets has achieved it.