The Future Of The Walking Dead Is Bleak And Full Of Shock Value Over Story
TV, editorial Jason England TV, editorial Jason England

The Future Of The Walking Dead Is Bleak And Full Of Shock Value Over Story

The Walking Dead returned for its seventh season premiere – and much like the taste of Marmite, it has divided the planet on whether it was a good episode or not.

Well, you can put me in the “not good” category because not only the televisual equivalent of being slowly dragged through broken glass, it pretty much guarantees that the screenwriters have waved a fond farewell to meaningful stories in favour of shock value.

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UK Government Just Admitted To Illegally Spying On Citizens for 17 Years, But Won't Stop
Technology, editorial Jason England Technology, editorial Jason England

UK Government Just Admitted To Illegally Spying On Citizens for 17 Years, But Won't Stop

After a legal battle that spanned more than a year, the UK government's surveillance agency - GCHQ - admitted to illegally spying for the past 17 years and apologised for their actions. But then, thanks to some tiny changes in GCHQ policy, it turns out they can carry on without being punished.

Isn't that some bull shit...

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What Is The Future Of Journalism?
social media, news Jason England social media, news Jason England

What Is The Future Of Journalism?

This is a hard one for me to write, when I was asked to write an article on the future of journalism I thought it was would be easy. There was one point in my life when I thought I was the future of journalism. But, no, I am just one of many other journalists struggling to survive.

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Smartphones Are Boring - Google’s Pixel Proves That Everybody Wants To Make Another iPhone
Technology, editorial Ivan Holmes Technology, editorial Ivan Holmes

Smartphones Are Boring - Google’s Pixel Proves That Everybody Wants To Make Another iPhone

Google released a new smartphone - the Pixel. It’s a premium device, meant to represent everything great about the ‘Google experience’. Technically, it is very impressive. However, many have noticed that it looks very similar to the iPhone – which is not surprising as it is essentially just a different take on the exact same thing.

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Twitter For Sale – Who’s Looking To Buy And Why?
social media, editorial Jason England social media, editorial Jason England

Twitter For Sale – Who’s Looking To Buy And Why?

Twitter has not had it easy over the past couple of years. From the flat growth of new users to a torrential storm of abusive tweets, the social network has been dragged through the mud a fair few times.

But now, things are starting to look optimistic, as it’s been widely reported that Twitter is going up for sale with some interesting companies looking to buy…

Who are these companies? Why would they want to purchase a social network in an almost purgatorial state? Let’s take a look.

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