Zero Latency Nottingham Review - The UK’s First Free Roam Virtual Reality Gaming Arena
Zero Latency – the UK’s first free roam, multiplayer virtual reality arena managed to make a dull Monday night fun. That’s pretty damn special.

CES 2019 Preview - 5 Key Trends Defining The Future Of Consumer Technology
Another year, another CES defining the future of technology. What does the future human have to look forward to in 2019? Here are five key trends to look for at CES 2019.

Virtual Reality Is Not The Future Of Social Media - Facebook Just Proved It
One tone-deaf VR cartoon tour of the Puerto Rico devastation has proven that virtual reality and social networking do not mix. There’s only so much social media based over-complication that we humans can take.

The Twisted History Of VR Starts In The 1860s
When photography was invented in the early 1800s, it wasn’t long before people realised that you could develop a 3D image if you overlaid the same image at a slightly different angle. This gave birth to Victorian Stereoscopes, which was the first step the human race took towards 3D pictures, movies and Virtual Reality.

HTC Vive Wins CES 2017 With Wireless VR And Motion Tracking For Real-Life Objects
HTC announced some new upgrades for their Vive VR platform - including a new motion tracker, wireless adaptor and improved audio. But is this new hardware any good? I went to their private event at CES 2017 and found out...

CES 2017 - New Intel VR Headset Turns Your Living Room Into A Game
Named ‘Project Alloy,’ Intel’s Virtual Reality hardware is set to up the game by mapping your room and adapting it as part of the video game you’re playing.

The Future Of Virtual Reality Will Be Driven By Porn
Rule 34 may just be a term coined by the internet forum community, but it can be taken more literal here. Innovation in Virtual Reality will be driven by pornography - not games, not films and not social media. Porn.

Scientists Start Treating Paranoia With Virtual Reality
If you thought therapy was the only treatment for paranoia, think again. An Oxford University study has found that use virtual reality to put patients in situations they fear is a far more effective solution.

Thorpe Park Unveils VR Ghost Train From The Mind Of Derren Brown
Thorpe Park just unveiled its plans to launch a VR ghost train, designed by mentalist Derren Brown. Promising "grand-scale illusions," the creators are using HTC Vive headsets mixed with live-action, to provide an experience that is not for the faint-hearted.

Headset 'Brand Killer' filters out ads from the real world
A team of hackers have created a headset that can block out any brands, logos or adverts in the real world. Put simply by the developers, it's "AdBlock for Real Life."

Experience The 'Star Wars' Death Star Trench Run On Oculus Rift
The Oculus Rift has some great virtual reality experiences, but none quite like hopping into the cockpit of an X-Wing, hurtling through the Death Star's Trench Run to fire the proton torpedo.

'PaperDude VR.' A Virtual Reality Paperboy Using Oculus Rift, Kinect And A Bike
Paperboy has been resurrected in the form of 'PaperDude VR,' combining the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, a Kinect motion sensor and a stationary bike.

Oculus Rift Comes To Minecraft
Though very much unofficially, the VR wonder Oculus Rift has made it's way to Minecraft. Named Minecrift, this mod adapts the games visual output for the VR headset, putting you right at the heart of the map you've just built.
VR Headset Combined With Motion Controller. Virtual Hand Movements Match Yours
Independent developer Kelly Weaver has combined the Oculus Rift VR headset with Razor Hydra motion controllers to create a prototype of a character whose arm and hand movements match yours perfectly.
Gamer Combines VR Headset With An Omnidirectional Treadmill
A company called Virtuix has shown what gamers can do when you combine the Oculus Rift VR Headset with their omnidirectional treadmill, bringing true virtual reality gaming into the home.
Humans And Rats Interact Via Virtual Reality 'Beaming' Experiment
Researchers at University College London (UCL) and the University of Barcelona have built a virtual reality system that allows for humans and rats to interact. These cross-species meetings have tested a process known as 'beaming' in which people take control of digital representations of themselves to carry out virtual interactions. Think Avatar; but with rats.
‘Project Holodeck’ Hoping To Bring Full 3D Virtual Reality To Gaming
Labelled ‘Project Holodeck’ after the virtual reality system at the cutting-edge heart of the Star Trek films, a team from the University of Southern California are working on a system that will bring full 360-degree, full-body VR to gaming.
Playstation movie store viral ads take us into virtual reality
So Sony's recent viral campaign to promote the newly introduced video store on PS3 presents us with a virtual reality experience that we whole heartedly crave for.
Created by the recruited agencies Studio Output and the Marshmallow Laser Factory, Sony appointed them to build a series of viral films to promote the Playstation Video Store (via the tagline 'Great films fill rooms'), which resulted in the VR shots we got here, using 3D mapping, a steadicam and head-tracking via attached Playstation Move controllers.