Nintendo E3 2012 Press Conference LIVE
games, news Jason England games, news Jason England

Nintendo E3 2012 Press Conference LIVE

The last of the 'big three' press conferences is almost upon us. Set to deliver where last year's E3 confused Wii U announcement did not, Nintendo has to come onto the E3 2012 stage with purpose, a demonstrable intelligence for its audience and, most importantly, with a desire to entertain from the get go.

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Science, news Jason England Science, news Jason England

Rat Walks Again After Spinal Cord Injury. A Cure For Human Paralysis?

The rat you see in the above photo, besides being in an action shot you'd compare to the likes of a 90s training montage, was paralysed with a spinal cord injury just a few weeks ago.  Thanks to a special treatment developed by researchers at the EPFL, control over its own limbs has been regained, posing a possible cure to human paralysis.

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news, tech Jason England news, tech Jason England

‘Feel Me’ App Adds Personal Touch To Texting

Compared to the likes of a phonecall or skype conversation (see or hear the person's emotions), beyond emoticons it's been a difficult task to convey that same human contact in a text. That's where Marco Triverio plans to change things with 'Feel Me.'

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Researchers Hoping To ‘Eliminate Death’ By 2045, Working On Humanoid Robot Avatars
Science, Technology, news Jason England Science, Technology, news Jason England

Researchers Hoping To ‘Eliminate Death’ By 2045, Working On Humanoid Robot Avatars

It is estimated that a total of 55.3 million people die each year, equivalent to almost 2 every single second. Death is a fact of life, or so we thought. A project by the name of Russia 2045 is ambitiously attempting to conquer immortality in as little as 33 years by way of creating humanoid robots that have human personalities stored on artificial brains.

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news, tech Jason England news, tech Jason England

Man Implants Magnets Into His Wrist For Strapless iPod Nano Watch

We understand that fashion is a key trend when it comes to Apple products; but we've never been a fan of the idea of an iPod Nano wristwatch.  Dave Hurban must have thought the same as well, performing a self-titled 'iDermal' on himself: removing the need for a wrist strap by engineering his own wrist to hold the device via a set of magnets.

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news, tech Jason England news, tech Jason England

Siri Silenced. Updated To Not Say Lumia 900 Is 'Best Smartphone Ever'

It's common knowledge that Apple has a rather dry, sarcastic sense of humour when it comes to some of the responses that their automated assistant, Siri, gives to the user.  But it seems they weren't a fan of the assistant's Wolfram-reliant response to the question "What is the best smartphone ever?"

So they have changed it rather rapidly from the original answer of the Nokia Lumia 900 to one of two sarcastic responses: "the one you're holding" and "you're kidding, right?"  

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news, social media Jason England news, social media Jason England

Porn Publisher Sues Tumblr Over Photo Use

If you're a user of the social micro-blogging service, you'll be more than well aware of the presence of near-incessantly uploaded and reblogged pornographic imagery.  That is until now, however, as Perfect 10, a pornography publisher has launched a lawsuit against the platform for ingringing on its copyrighted material.


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