news, tech Jason England news, tech Jason England

Google Glass Specifications Revealed

Google has published a list of technical specifications for the upcoming head-mounted device Glass. These include a 640x360 display, the equivalent of a "25 inch high definition screen from eight feet away," a 5 megapixel camera with 720p video capture, 16 GB of storage (with 12 GB being usable), and audio delivered via a bone conduction transducer.


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Music Review, music, review Jason England Music Review, music, review Jason England

Bonobo - The North Borders Review


As per usual for UK electronic artist Bonobo, The North Borders starts off extremely well. 'First Fires' punctuates a beautifully understated vocal performance from Grey Reverend with submerged synth droplets and fleeting, glacial, ASMR inducing pads -- all enhanced by a confident and generous allowance for negative space that seems to only come with experience. In terms of perfect intros, it almost stacks up to the double barrelled future classic of Prelude/Kiara from 2010's Black Sands. Unfortunately, in this case there isn't a whole lot of interest that follows.


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news, social media Jason England news, social media Jason England

New 'Secretbook' Lets You Leave Hidden Messages In Your Facebook Photos

A British student has released a Google Chrome extension that enables you to hide secret messages in your Facebook pictures.  Owen Campbell-Moore, studying computer science at Oxford University, used a technique called JPEG Steganography to make tiny changes in photos that form a secret code. Called 'Secretbook', you can now download it and communicate with your friends without anybody else knowing you are doing it.

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film, movies, review Jason England film, movies, review Jason England

Dark Skies Review

My impression from the posters, trailer, and the producers (who also did Paranormal Activity and Insidious) was that this was probably a demon possession film. It's not; instead, aliens.

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news, social media Jason England news, social media Jason England

Murderer Uses 'Confession Bear' Meme To Admit Crime

A Reddit user uploaded an image on Quickmeme, saying “My sister had an abusive meth addict boyfriend/I killed him with his own drugs while he was unconscious and they ruled it as an overdose."  Of course, as it is the internet (especially Reddit), these things have to be taken with a pinch of salt; but as the story unfolds it would be fair to assume that somebody has committed a murder and confessed to it via a meme.


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Feature Jason England Feature Jason England

Otherkin: An Unseen World Of The Non-Human

It's difficult to know how to begin this feature, so I shall come right to the point: Otherkin are a mostly internet-based subculture of people who identify strongly with animals and other non-human beings, including dragons, demons, and fairies. Though a small community, they are still a significant number of people who believe something that the rest of us may find difficult to understand.

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news, tech Jason England news, tech Jason England

New Rising Media Will Be At Gadget Show Live 2013

The Gadget Show Live has been an amazing event for New Rising Media to cover, and I'm proud to announce we will be heading back again to cover this year's event!  

You may remember that we did both last year's events in April and at Christmas.  While these both went rather well (I actually looked young then!), we would have been foolish to rest on our laurels between then and now.  So it's fair to say we have A LOT planned.

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