Mad Genius Controllers Debut Motion Controller That Breaks Into Two
Mad Genius Controllers have unveiled a proof-of-concept, showing off a break-apart controller that not only features incredibly detailed motion control for ANY game on ANY platform, but splits in half to enable two seamless forms of user interface.

University Of Nottingham Teams Up With Sony To Cure Lazy Eye With Videogames
Remember when playing Tetris helped adults with amblyopia (aka lazy eye)? Well now Sony Computer Entertainment Europe and the University of Nottingham have teamed up to prove that once again, computer games are the answer. Developing original games based on popular PS3 titles, SCEE is creating content for the "I-BiT" system, which will help children overcome their condition in the most fun way possible.

Disneyland Hints At 'Star Wars' Theme Park In Survey
Disney seem very keen to get back their $4 billion investment in the Star Wars franchise, as it emerged recently that they may be looking at a Star Wars theme park.

Mood-Tracking App 'EmotionSense' Turns Your Phone Into A Pocket Therapist
Researchers at Cambridge University have developed an Android app naned 'Emotion Sense,' which tracks your happiness using a combination of smartphone data and users' perception of mood.

Oculus Rift Comes To Minecraft
Though very much unofficially, the VR wonder Oculus Rift has made it's way to Minecraft. Named Minecrift, this mod adapts the games visual output for the VR headset, putting you right at the heart of the map you've just built.

Students Create Sense-Enhancing Headsets. See The Invisible, Hear The Inaudible
Ever wanted to see the invisible, and hear the silent? So has Tim Bouckley and a team of students at the Royal College of Arts in London, who have created two pieces of experimental equipment to vastly improve your senses of sight and sound. These two devices combine Project Eidos, in no way related to this Eidos.

The IT Crowd Is Returning For One Final Episode
Beloved British nerd comedy The IT Crowd is returning for a 40 minute grand finale. Moss, Roy, Jen, and Douglas will reprise their roles in this one-off episode.
The episode, which has been writer/director Graham Linehan's primary talking point since his tweet in 2012, is due to start filming in a few weeks time; but there is no information as to when we can expect it on air.

Hilarious Star Wars Infomercials Advertise To A Galaxy Far, Far Away
While you may think Jedi warriors, Sith Lords or Ewoks may not be the best audience for QVC-esque advertising, YouTuber TheGamerChick has disproved this with a rather hilarious set of infomercials.

#NRMPresents 'The Realm.' An Imaginative Evolution Of The Point & Click
The Realm is an upcoming point-and-click adventure game currently making the rounds on Kickstarter. The game takes place on an Earth in the far future, presumably after an apocolyptic event, in which remnants of cities and civilisations we recognise today have grown in harmony with nature - trees, plantlife, and the like. The game follows the journey of a young girl, Serena, and her giant golem friend, Toru throughout the land, all rendered lovingly in a hand-drawn artwork style, layered to create 3D environments.

The Empire Reminds You Celebrating "May The 4th Be With You" Is A Crime
So "May the Fourth" is around the corner, and a huge celebration of all things Star Wars is imminent. However, in a recently launched attack ad, the Galactic Empire gives the world a friendly reminder that any celebration in support of the Rebellion, Jedi, or any traitors to the Dark Side is a crime.

IBM Make The World's Smallest Movie Using Atoms
IBM have made a short movie out of single carbon monoxide molecules, titled 'A Boy And His Atom.' It has been verified by Guinness World Records™ as The World’s Smallest Stop-Motion Film.

New UK Image Copyright Law Allows Anyone To Use Uploaded Images. The Government Responds
The Enterprise Regulatory and Reform Act, which puts controversial new copyright laws around what is called "orphan works" in place for photos uploaded onto the internet, received Royal Assent and will be published on May 2nd 2013.

Iron Man 3 Review
Does Iron Man 3 make up for the disappointment of the second movie? We take a look at the latest exploits of the “Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.”
VR Headset Combined With Motion Controller. Virtual Hand Movements Match Yours
Independent developer Kelly Weaver has combined the Oculus Rift VR headset with Razor Hydra motion controllers to create a prototype of a character whose arm and hand movements match yours perfectly.
Watch The New GTA V Trailer Here Live
The latest trailer for GTA V will be airing live here today at 4pm UK time. Since the first major trailer back in November 2011, anticipation for Rockstar Games' latest iteration to its blockbuster series has reached fever pitch.
Researchers Build Robots Capable Of Evolution
A team of researchers have designed a program that allows robots to actually evolve, building themselves out of cubes of virtual muscles and bones. This simulated chain of evolution makes for a remarkable discovery in robotics that, much like Skynet, has very well doomed us all.
Game Dev Tycoon "Cracked" Version Unleashes Ironic Trick On Pirates
Game Dev Tycoon, a game about developing games, saw a cracked version released to several torrent sites, and pirates everywhere dipped in for a slice of fun pie. However, the "cracked" version was actually released by the Game Dev Game Devs themselves, and features a nasty surprise - anyone playing the pirated version will quickly find the game unplayable as every game they release is pirated into oblivion.
Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo Breaks Speed Of Sound In First Rocket-Powered Test Flight
Virgin Galactic successfully completed the first rocket-powered test of its SpaceShipTwo (SS2) aircraft, the vehicle that the company will use to launch the world's first commercial space flights later this year.
Easily Faked Pictures Claim The Next Xbox Could Be Called 'Xbox Infinity'
Following Microsoft's countdown to unveiling the next Xbox unveiled next month, it's fair to say speculation has been rather wild lately. But none have sent gamers into more of a recent frenzy than two different images that suggest this next generation console will either be called "Xbox Infinity," or simply "Xbox."
Teenager Builds Incredible Iron Man Suit For $500
17 year old Archie Whitehead has just finished his first big project: a homemade Iron Man suit. And it looks super cool.
Archie, a student from the London area, based his design on 3D plans he found on the internet and a ton of reference images. Everything other than the helmet is made from foam and was put together in just four months, but to look at it you certainly couldn't tell.